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Are you a visual thinker? 

  • What you do is difficult to explain with words alone. You have listened to all the advice, and filled out all the pdf's. Still, people often don't "get" what you do. It is frustrating!

  • Posting on social media or writing newsletters feels like a drag. Not fun.

  • Plus, although you're creative, your content looks and sounds waaay too generic! There is not enough YOU in your content.

... and you are exhausted by writing pages and pages of words.  

 Brand Alignment models STORYTELLINGpng

I know how it feels. I felt paralyzed for YEARS. Until... I began drawing!  


Untangle and express your ideas – by sketching them

By drawing your message, you communicate it in a way that immediately clicks with your ideal client! 

Plus, it is fun. 

And if your creative genius doesn't think it's fun, it will rebel and keep you stuck!! 


Sketch to sell Magical visual Minds Method

 And that is true even if you can’t draw a thing right now. For starters, stickmen are fine. But I promise you will be amazed at your own sketches in less than a month in Visual Minds.

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Easily the best of more than hundred courses I bought!

After only a few weeks I've  initiated my new branding based on my drawings,  starting from my logo itself. I will eventually replace all standard icons and imagery on my site with my own sketches.
Thank you, Ingrid! Ed Evan Rich, business consultant 



Join Visual Minds

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A powerful business coaching program

"The amount of personal coaching we get from you is amazing! 
Visual Minds is truly a business coaching program – combining your business knowhow with your insightful creativity on how to improve our message."

Kate Ryley, therapeutic coach

Imagine having a library of your own illustrations! ...

Instead of struggling to find the perfect stock photo or fighting with AI prompts, you'll have custom visuals ready for every business situation.

But we cover not only the HOW of drawing. For getting clients, it is (at least) just as important WHAT you draw.  

Following the proven Visual Minds Method, we'll explore every crucial aspect of your brand story step by step. This visual roadmap ensures nothing gets overlooked, from your origin story to your customer transformation journey.

Best of all? Every element will be illustrated by YOU, creating a unique, coherent brand presence that's impossible to replicate.


"I never saw myself as creative. That has completely changed!" 

“I used to think that I wasn't creative. I definitely didn't think that I could draw. I'm so glad I joined Visual Minds. Communicating my  ideas visually is fun, and a totally new skill for me. I am getting great response from my audience!.”

[Edit: One year later]
I can honestly say that this course changed my business and life. Drawing my newsletter on Substack has become a a central part of my business. 

Medha Murtagh, intuitive coach


You have a visual mind longing to come out of the closet if...

  • Your brain is buzzing with ideas. You struggle to see the big picture of your business.

  • You need to SEE things in order to make sense of them. 

  • You are tired of powerpoint! You'd love to sketch with confidence on a flipchart for teaching and presentations. But the mere thought of drawing in public gives you sweaty palms.

  • Your website and social posts don't express your creative mind - they look and sound waaay to boring and generic.

  • Perhaps in the past, you had loved to draw. But since you focused on "real life" and business building, you have forgotten about it. Your life has turned a bit more grey since then.

  • You would like to be more visible. Communicate your message loud and clear.

And yet, you feel like I did a few years ago....

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And your beautiful visual mind is withering away. 

This membership will help you get out of the artistic closet, embrace your creative self, and become joyfully visible with your business!

In school we learned to write, but were never taught to to draw. We were taught that drawing is art and requires talent.


"My mind gets blown every Tuesday"

Your business will thrive when you start having creative fun with it

You probably haven't fully given yourself permission to be an artist, which is why you’re in business.

But - You’re not running your business simply to make money. Whenever you do that, you get bored.

Things stop working. You can notice it and you hate it. This is not why you started your business in the first place.

It’s not good for your business either.

The further you get away from your creative spirit, and you’re not following that muse the more things get bogged down.

Since I embraced my passion for simple sketches, my revenue has grown massively.

I reached 6 figures in my business when I went full in doing what I love - simple sketches for business.

And my visual story posts on LinkedIn now get between 1000 and 30,000 views!

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Imagine what is possible when you cut away everything that doesn't make you come alive.

As a creative person in business, you cannot keep creativity and business separate. They need to be one and the same. They need to support one another.

If they aren't woven together, not only does your soul shrivel up – your motivation for your business shrivels up alongside of it.

And then your finances shrivel up.

In Visual Minds we will free your visual mind to bring vision, exploration, and joy back to your business and life - while adding more beauty and clarity to everything you do.


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Frequently asked questions

Question: I am afraid if I sign up for your program, I will be overwhelmed by all your content and go into freeze and still not move forward. 

Answer: You can also just attend the Tuesday meetings.  And there, I'll send you to a certain lesson sometimes. 
But I'm pretty sure you'll dive into them at some point! The "Simple illustration" course doesn't take longer than 2 hours or so. You have a whole year  after all. 

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Question: I have invested in 2 business coaching group programs, but I am still nowhere!

Answer: If you feel that Visual Minds isn't a good fit, you can get your money back within 2 weeks.

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Question: For the drawing, I need an iPad, right? I don't have one yet.

Answer: No, you don't need an iPad. Pen and paper are fine – and maybe even better, because then you don't have to learn a new technology. To start with, the drawing is mainly for your own clarity. 
And - You don't even need an iPad for professional-looking illustrations! An iPad is just faster.

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Question: By illustrating my idea/offer it will be clearer for my customers? and myself :-)

Answer: Yes! We also draw  pictures to find the right words.  

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Question: I have so many ideas that I can not decide how to start my business

Answer: You get more out of the program if you already have an offer and you know what you want to sell. 

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Question: How will sketching help me make money?

Answer: Sketching will not make you money. Your offers makes you money. You need to sell something that people want. 

Sketching can help you get clarity about that. And of course, sketches can help you sell your wonderful offer! 


Question: How much time does it take to learn to draw?

Answer: You will improve your figure drawings DRAMATICALLY in one or two hours! 

But as in every field, you get better when you practice. 


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I have already taken a graphic facilitation class. Will this be different?

Yes - this is not (only) a drawing class, it is about building your business! 

But I can also help you with improving your drawings. With my long experience with drawing and design I can give very specific feedback that catapults you forward. 

Here is an example: Sabine had taken a sketchnoting course before, , but wanted to develop her style. See her drawing before 

and after one or two drawing lessons:


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I'd love to join, but I don't have time on Tuesdays 

That's a pity! The live meetings are a cornerstone of the experience, and they are fun. But, there are a few participants from Asia/Australia who don't attend live, but they watch the recordings and send me their drawings. Then they watch my feedback afterwards. It works! - Medha Murtagh in Australia went from zero confidence to fully illustrated substack-newsletter in this way. Read Medha's story here

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Tuesday Meetings & Visual Minds Roadmap

Here are some activities you can expect in the Tuesday meetings: 

  • We start every meeting with a sketching exercise.

  • Breakout rooms where we share our sketches and insights

  • I give feedback on your drawing and messaging

Between Tuesdays you can upload your drawings to the "Get feedback" section of the course platform, and get feedback from me and other members. 

Most members are coaches – from business-  to health-, book-, and relationship coaches –  but we also have a few copywriters and designers. It is suche a lovely and supportive group! 

Around the year, we follow the Visual Minds Roadmap, and cover all the important topics about sketching AND business building. 



Take a break from writing about your work. Try doodling instead! 

"Drawing as a powerful and effective form of coaching? Who'd have thought? Not me.
And yet, months ago, I was coached by the extraordinary Ingrid Lill (Business Coach With A Pencil).

It was this coaching session which had me realize that my work and membership had a four part structure - which became the semester system of my Membership. I can't recommend working with Ingrid highly enough. 

Take a break from writing about your work. Try doodling instead. Go non-linear. You might be amazed with what you find."

Tad Hargrave, Marketing for Hippies


I find something I can use in every session

Here is a clip from Ivana from one of our Tuesday sessions, when we talked about drawing visual frameworks for your business. 

"As a total beginner in drawing, starting from scratch, I had my reservations. But you have set it up in a way so I find something I can use from the start. And as I practice more, I can see how my style is emerging. In every meeting I find something I can use, and  I'm like... wow"!

Ivana Djokvucic, Movement coach

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Get ready to free your creative genius!

For visual minds, sketching is THE way

  • to get clarity about your message
  • to become visible
  • to (re-)kindle your creative spark
  • stand out from the crowd that relies on clipart and AI-generated perfection.

I’ve taught hundreds of people to draw. Some of them had been sketching a bit in the past. 

Others doubted they were capable of drawing at all.

Take a look at all the lovely examples under "testiomials" in the menu bar

Mariann Roberts before after

All of them were shocked how much progress they made in such a short period of time using my unique teaching method. 

After just one month in Visual Minds, you’ll already be sketching out your ideas. 

After 6 months, you'll have learned to draw with confidence so that you can use your images in your work with clients,  for presentations or in your newsletter.

But - Visual Minds is not only about drawing! I teach my whole messaging and business strategy.

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I love that the course is so strategic!

Nici Butchart, Managing Director at Innate Health Research

Creating your beautiful business

Here is what we cover in Visual Minds. For program details, go to program in the navigation above. 


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A peek into a Visual Minds session

"Like a singing coach who helps people find their voice!"

The thing you do better than anybody else I have experienced is that you give permission to people to draw the way they draw - and then develop it. Like a singing coach who helps people find their voice. It is exciting! "

Javan Bernakevitch, land designer & coach

Why learn from me?


I'm Ingrid Lill, communication designer turned "Business Coach with a Pencil."

For decades, I solved complex communication problems for clients and agencies, creating everything from brand identities to explainer videos.

But I kept my drawing separate from my "serious" design work. I didn't dare to use my drawings professionally – until I discovered how simple sketches could transform business communication.

If you can't sketch it, your message isn't clear enough.

Many entrepreneurs are visual thinkers who need to SEE their ideas to connect the dots. I help them untangle complex ideas and turn them into simple, strategic visuals.

In my Visual Minds Membership, I teach professionals how to use simple illustrations to clarify their message and make their ideas instantly "click" with clients. (Even if you think you can't draw!)

Here's what I've learned: As a creative entrepreneur, you can't separate creativity from business. Otherwise, motivation dries up—and so does business growth. But when you weave creativity into your business, everything flows better: ideas, energy, and results.

Who would have thought that making business fun could be so profitable?

I've built my own business from scratch through newsletters, webinars, and social media. I know what works because I've done it myself.

Today, I run my business from a remodeled barn in the Danish countryside, working with clients worldwide. When I'm not sketching for business, I'm drawing for fun or exploring nature with our dog Pushkin.


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