LiLL Blog

Lill life advice

Drawing is magic!

What if  you can simply draw what you want into your life? Wouldn't that be a fun experiment? Make a wish-list while using the creative part of the brain, instead of the boring old language center. I don't know if it works, but I can guarantee you'll have fun, improve your drawing skills, and train your visualising muscles.

A (more or less) daily drawing practice worked wonders for me in many ways. It is more fun, and potentially life changing, to practice drawing stuff that is interesting for me…

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Thank you!

I want to say thank you for the support and encouragement I have gotten from the lovely people who are following my journey so far. It really means a lot to me to know that somebody is reading along, laughing at my jokes, clicking, liking, downloading, commenting. I don't know what I would be doing without you.

Also a big thank you to the subscribers of my mailing list, I hope you get some use out of the bag of drawing tricks I am sending out. For those who are not yet subscribing: You can do it …

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Listen to your Muse

I am getting more and more interested in exploring what it is that makes me want to paint. I don't know how many time I have decided to stop, and it always crawled back in. And the thing that wants me to paint isn't content with painting just anything. It doesn't want me to use joyful colors on easy-to-hang canvases. It is quite specific in its ideas. Stephen Pressfield and Elizabeth Gilbert are both writing about the Muse that has to be evoked in order to make spirited work. Both are good books…

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