LiLL Blog

Lill life advice

Planeternes energi – en kreativ udforskning

Det bliver superspændende. En workshop-serie sammen med Jeannie Hermina Andersen – som er astrolog, håndleser og kender til altmulige mystiske ting. Det starter i December, og vi lader Jupiter kickstarte os i det nye år. Jeg skriver datoerne her når jeg kender dem. Den første bliver i en periode som hedder "magiske natter".

Stay tuned!

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Drawing lesson test

I am more and more convinced of the  idea of giving drawing classes and have been trying some lessons on my sons. He actually liked the lesson – although this meant he had to leave his electrical guitar-building project for half an hour.

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Use your pencil. Every day.

I started doing a daily drawing about a month ago. I didn't know what it would lead to, the intention was just to make a challenge for myself in order to practice. Without any plan what it should be about, just with a vague idea that I wanted to draw about what was going through my mind this day. And, what shall I say: It looks like the pencil has become all the above. I am practicing my skill, and it finally has become less of a struggle to get something on paper. But it has also changed what I…

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World Creativity Forum Overload.

This is a little glimpse of my 2 days at the World Creativity Forum Conference in Århus. Half of it was job, documenting an (inspiring! innovative! intelligent!) workshop, the other half was just listening to famous  creative speakers, (the Ted- kind I usually watch on youtube).

And, I did my first stop motion film in a workshop facilitated by The Animation Workshop- school in Viborg. Got really high on that! And will show it in another post.

And, there was this memorable cocktail called "Jabberw…

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Take a break. Or not.

I have committed to do one drawing a day for 100 days, which was just a random (high) number. Now it has been a month, and I haven't missed one. It wouldn't be the end of the world if I took a break. but anyway... here we are.

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