LiLL Blog

A touch of digital magic

Michelle had attended a drawing class in my studio last week. (You can see her portrait in the last post). Today she asked for help with a drawing of herself holding a rose and a whip (don't ask me....) and a cat with a big bushy tail. The drawing is nice and lively, but the foto muddy, with uneven lighting. So, here is what I did:

Convert it into a black-and-white line drawing. I used the app Carbo for that, but any other scan app on the smart phone, or Gimp or Photoshop work just as well. Then …

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Drawing class

Yesterday's drawing class was fun. I really enjoy to see how participants soak up the instructions and make really nice drawings – all different. And I wonder why this is not taught in every school! Why is drawing considered "fine art" and not "communication skill", like writing? We worked hard and concentrated, but there was also space for talking and connecting and for bonding with the dogs :)




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Image streaming

I found a website called "Project Renaissance " by Win Wenger. He is proposing to use a technique he calls "image streaming", to enhance intelligence and creativity. It is basically letting images come to your mind and describing them while they show up. Interestingly, this is is exactly what I did constantly when I was a little child. (My poor parents!) Here is what showed up today.

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Jammed head versus clear head

This drawing is inspired by a little text by success and resilience coach Sara Priestley:

"Jammed" head is likely to be looking "outside" for reasons and fixes. "Clear" head is likely to feel happier and have more confidence. Big generalisations. The key thing is, both are normal. We move between them as naturally as breathing in a out. For as long as we're alive. And neither determines our ability to love, serve or contribute. This is the flow of life. That's why telling someone they need to dev…

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Your life purpose in three easy steps?

I did this drawing a few years ago, after YouTube showed me the Ted Talk by a guy called Adam Leipzig. I guess it was in one of the phases when I felt lost and didn't know what to focus on. So I focused for some time on how to find your focus. I don't agree that we have to find our "life purpose", but the idea is still valid. Focus on helping others!

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Two ways

I have been working on my soon-to-come online drawing class – and for some reason it just didn't happen. I couldn't get myself to concentrate, I was facing technical problems, it just didn't click. After a few torturous weeks I found out that there is an easier way and that it is better to use a pre-built platform. Oh well. Something in me just knew that I was going in the wrong direction, and its way of telling me wa to play dog videos...

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