LiLL Blog

Listen to your hands, not your thoughts

If I would always listen to my thoughts, I would never get anything done. All I get from thought is: 1) Fantasies how great everything is going to be, and then 2) a devastating critique how what I am doing is not meeting the standard from point 1)

The funny thing is that my hands seem to know what to do. They "want" to do move and do something fun.

I just have to step out of the way and let them do their thing. Heck, I don't even know how they are typing this text...

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Ask your hands

What is your why? What is your life purpose? What is it you want to give to the world? These questions show up time and again, and seem to be important. And I haven't found a satisfying answer in decades. Everything I write sounds contrived and somehow wrong. On the other hand (!) it looks like there IS a deeper meaning with the stuff I do. Well, maybe not a deeper meaning, but maybe some kind of meaning... So I decided to ask my hands, and I'll wait patiently what will show up in the drawings …

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Drawing is magic!

What if  you can simply draw what you want into your life? Wouldn't that be a fun experiment? Make a wish-list while using the creative part of the brain, instead of the boring old language center. I don't know if it works, but I can guarantee you'll have fun, improve your drawing skills, and train your visualising muscles.

A (more or less) daily drawing practice worked wonders for me in many ways. It is more fun, and potentially life changing, to practice drawing stuff that is interesting for me…

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