LiLL Blog

No work

I know I shouldn't play all night with the new music-video project, before the newsletter is finished. But, but, but: I did.

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Angel project

I'm busy these days, because additionally to the daily drawing I am making a daily angel with a little love-letter for download - which I am then using as an advent calendar for my kids. I thought they might find it too cheasy to get a message from their mom every day why she loves them. But alas – they like it! So now there I'm under pressure to produce 24 angels. And because we are a Danish-German family, it has to be in those two languages. And if I make 2 languages, I can just as well make a…

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Lill Advent Calendar


Give love instead of chocolate! Or, give both. There are going to be 24 Lill angels who want to bring a message to your loved ones – or to yourself! The advent calendar is here. You also find it in the sidebar. Click on today's angel, print the paper slip, fill out, fold or roll and give. I left space so you can write "I" or "we" love you, or fill in "LiebeR or LiebE ... in German". You can visit Sherry Belul Richert's wonderful site for inspiration what to write. I have the…

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