LiLL Blog

Monkey Mind



Don't listen to monkey mind, but it is fun to draw!

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Planeternes energi – en kreativ udforskning

Det bliver superspændende. En workshop-serie sammen med Jeannie Hermina Andersen – som er astrolog, håndleser og kender til altmulige mystiske ting. Det starter i December, og vi lader Jupiter kickstarte os i det nye år. Jeg skriver datoerne her når jeg kender dem. Den første bliver i en periode som hedder "magiske natter".

Stay tuned!

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Drawing lesson test

I am more and more convinced of the  idea of giving drawing classes and have been trying some lessons on my sons. He actually liked the lesson – although this meant he had to leave his electrical guitar-building project for half an hour.

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Use your pencil. Every day.

I started doing a daily drawing about a month ago. I didn't know what it would lead to, the intention was just to make a challenge for myself in order to practice. Without any plan what it should be about, just with a vague idea that I wanted to draw about what was going through my mind this day. And, what shall I say: It looks like the pencil has become all the above. I am practicing my skill, and it finally has become less of a struggle to get something on paper. But it has also changed what I…

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