LiLL Blog

Miracles do happen.

I am tall, and I have big feet. This has always been a sore spot, especially in my younger years. I would have loved to wear feminine shoes, but feminine shoes in big sizes are difficult to find and, 2. very expensive.

I even dreamt sometimes about going into a shoe store and buying a pair nice shoes.

Well, the dream came true today, in an almost-local shoe store.

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Get help

Obviously I need somebody to tell me what to do. I have found myself a coach who I can send my to-do-list to, so she can tell me what  to work on in the coming week. I don't know why I am not able to read the list to myself, but I have tried that for 57 years and it didn't (quite) work. After writing this I can cross off one checkbox on my list, which is: keep drawing, and write a little bit to each drawing.

Done! Thank you, fairy.

Oh, and the next point on my list is: Enjoy and celebrate!


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Write an Artist Statement

I haven't managed to write an artist statement that I'm happy with. It always sounds wrong. I even bought a book with the great title "The relatively painfree artist statement", but I never got around to working through it. Maybe I have to give it another shot. Here is the link to the book:

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Awareness Games

Here is an excercise for how to deal with unwanted feelings. I haven't read the whole book yet, but I really like the playful approach. Here is the author's website:

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