LiLL Blog

Shit what now

I found a way to draw figures from imagination! This was one of the big hurdles for me. I had done lots of live figure drawing, but I never managed to draw humans from my imagination in a convincing way. I'll share my journey and methods in another blogpost. But  the excuse to not show my stuff until I am finished practicing has fallen away... for now. I'm curious what will happen now.

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Procrastination strategy: Buy an accordeon


I have always liked the sound of accordeon, but without thinking about it. Kind of unconsciously. Especially the more melancholic kind, be it French or Argentinian or Balcan music. Although I did play piano as a child, it never occurred to me that I could actually buy an accordeon and learn to play – until I saw this nice little Hohner Student IV sitting on one of the tables at a music flea market, that we were visiting because our eldest son wanted to buy a bass guitar. But it was Mom who whol…

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Show your work


I don't mind being alone in my studio alone almost every day. I have two nice dogs, a cat, my paintings and dolls and the Internet to keep me company, and I'm surrounded by beautiful nature. I actually love my solitary life, so much so that I sometimes forget to get in touch with the world. But it was also really nice to have guests in my studio, having coffee together and showing them my stuff. I see my paintings with fresh eyes, get new ideas, and it looked like they were inspired, too. Yay!


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I have found out that the best way to get untrapped is to invite people over, then the studio gets cleaned automagically. Almost.

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Listen to your hands

My hands know the way.  They know what to paint while I am busy telling myself that I should stop, or at least do it differently.  If I let my hands do their thing, it happens that the voice switches over into an equally distracting self-praise mode, with images of cheering crowds...  I have to do a drawing about this.

But right now, I listen to my hands. (Move fingers... type... yes..)

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About me

This was the first drawing that I did on October 4, 2017. The "About me" section had always been the most scary part. I never knew what I should write about me, it always came out wrong. That's why "About me" was the first thing that I tackled on my new website. Drawing the different versions of myself was so much easier than writing. The clumsiness of the drawings allows me to express my insecurities AND my grandiose fantasies. Oh. About me? I am born in 1961 in Germany, moved a bit around in E…

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