LiLL Blog

World Creativity Forum Overload.

This is a little glimpse of my 2 days at the World Creativity Forum Conference in Århus. Half of it was job, documenting an (inspiring! innovative! intelligent!) workshop, the other half was just listening to famous  creative speakers, (the Ted- kind I usually watch on youtube).

And, I did my first stop motion film in a workshop facilitated by The Animation Workshop- school in Viborg. Got really high on that! And will show it in another post.

And, there was this memorable cocktail called "Jabberw…

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Take a break. Or not.

I have committed to do one drawing a day for 100 days, which was just a random (high) number. Now it has been a month, and I haven't missed one. It wouldn't be the end of the world if I took a break. but anyway... here we are.

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When stuck, make a gift.



A few weeks ago I  felt stuck (again!)  in my artistic pursuits and didn't know how to proceed. Then I came across a wonderful site called, and this was just the inspiration I needed.

Sherry Richert Belul's site is about how to celebrate every moment, with loads of great ideas how to make others and yourself happy. I haven't even read everything because I have been so busy creating stuff since I found it! To celebrate this discovery, I have made a gift to download. Fill out …

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Wanija Spirit Love List

This is a silent messenger, inspired by australian rock paintings. These silent messengers have an aura around their head, but never a mouth.

Today one of them  found its way on to a "love list" you can print out and give to someone. Read more about Love lists here

Click on picture to download a high res pdf. Print, fill out, put it in an envelope and give it away.

You find instructions and a  helpful list with prompts  on 













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My first webinar

It was actually very nice. I learned a lot. And my participant Mette Brink  (yes, I had One Wonderful Participant!) was happy with the results:

Here are some of  her drawings from our class, after a little digital cleansing





Looks great! Thank you for participating and feedback, Mette!




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Come and draw with me – online

We meet online in a group-videconference (Zoom) and I show you how I draw... something useful, or something fun, or something that was requested.  Usually I prepare a theme like faces, figures, useful images – but you can come with input if you have a wish or a challenge. We are still a small group, and it is very ... hyggelig. (The untranslatable Danish word for being together in a nice and casual way). You will learn a bit about drawing, and more often than not also something about creativity,…

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Do you want to hear a secret? I can't draw hands. Hands are difficult.  When I'm lucky,  a convincing squiggle happens by itself, but that is not very often. Sometimes I practice just hands,  there are many good tutorials on Youtube., like this one, or this,  And I try not to get depressed because these kids are so good at drawing.

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